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August 2020

35 Things You Need for Your First Kitchen

Living on your own for the first time? One of the most overwhelming things to think about is how to cook for yourself. The first time I ever needed to do this was when I lived in an apartment in Boston the summer after my junior year of college. Since I planned to fly home, I needed all of my kitchen stuff to fit into one box that I shipped separately. Luckily, this experience showed me that a minimal kitchen can still be highly functional and most-importantly, cost-effective, especially when you are just starting out.

Opening my Roth IRA: Picking Investments

The last step to opening a Roth IRA is picking and funding your investments. Today, I will walk you through the steps I took to pick my investments and choose how much money to put into each one.

First-year Teacher Buys a House on $37K Salary!

Hannah is a first-year art teacher (going into her second year) teaching in a suburb outside of a midwestern city. For context, she makes $37K a year and graduated undergrad in three years with no debt.

Today, we’ll be hearing from her first-hand about what the home buying process is like for a fellow young twenty something. She shares how she prepared herself financially for this big move and what the steps were to go through with the purchase!